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MODEL WITH perfectlife Worldwide Modelmanagement

Who can become a child or teen model?

Have you ever noticed how many children are used in advertising? Every day, lots of children smile out at us from posters, brochures, magazines and fashion books. Or we see them in TV adverts, films and TV series.

Child and teen models are now a fixed feature of the advertising, fashion and film industries. The major fashion catalogues alone take up to 400,000 photos of child models several times a year. And of course, children also feature on a smaller scale in different fields of fashion and advertising. Why not your child too? Is your child aged between 2 and 15, and can you imagine your child smiling out from a poster or brochure? Or your child as the new star of a fashion and advertising company, or a film production?

Would you enjoy taking your child to these appointments? Great! Then send us an application for your child right now!

Unlike adult models, your child does not need to have perfect, dream measurements or perfect looks. Our customers search for all kinds of children and teens. Very different types of children and teens are in demand: big and small, thin and not so thin, blond and dark, with long or short hair, with freckles and turned-up noses, sweet and cheeky kids from every nation. The main thing is your child enjoys it, and maybe has that certain something that's just what the next advertising or fashion campaign is looking for? Advertising may be looking for exactly your child!

perfectlife Worldwide Modelmanagement - MANY BENEFITS

Information for child and teen models

Every day, our clients search for new children and teens for film & TV productions, catalogues, brochures, fashion magazines, advertising campaigns and other interesting projects. There are no stipulations in terms of size, weight, appearance, nationality, etc…., because our clients look for completely different children and teens with different profiles depending on the project.

perfectlife Worldwide Modelmanagement supports your child in presenting him or herself professionally to clients.

Our service and our network of contacts across many different sectors provide the best environment for your child to be discovered and booked by film producers, TV channels, artists' agencies, casting agencies, editors, marketing agencies, photographers, advertising agencies and other clients worldwide.

Clients use our international model portal as a research tool, and it is designed to help you reach reputable contacts, without your child's private contact details being visible or published on the internet.

An online profile/booking card and casting appointments with content pre-checked actively support your child in using their own initiative to significantly increase the chances of being booked by clients!

Effectively promote your child and their online profile/booking card to a number of clients who prefer to find the right children for their upcoming projects directly via the internet!

The benefit of an online profile is that you can change and update your own photos on the internet at any time. You can do the same with your child's personal details. At the same time, your details and pictures are of course protected and encrypted. All details are available exclusively to customers of perfectlife Worldwide Modelmanagement.

In principle, every child and teenager has the chance to be part of the fashion, advertising and film business.

Apply as a model now


How much can my child earn?

The pay or fee depends on the assignment and the client. Please see below the guidelines for advertising shots (brochures, catalogues and fashion photos) and for film and TV productions and fashion shows.

  • 1st hour: Euro 150.00
  • each additional hour: Euro 100.00
  • Full day (8 hours): Euro 500.00

All prices are exclusive of VAT and travel expenses
If you have any questions, please e-mail at:






Search, find, and book online immediately.

perfectlife Worldwide Modelmanagement supports you as a client in quickly and cost-effectively finding the right people for your projects. We offer a wide range of different models, promotional faces and character types for all your various projects. Whether you're an advertising agency or editor looking for the right model, a photographer seeking people for a professional photo shoot, or a TV production company needing particular candidates/extras/actors etc. - we're here to help you in your search!

We see ourselves as a full-service agency, offering both placement and casting services. Whatever your query - just give us a call!

As a client (photographer - advertising agency - film production company, etc...), you can outsource your jobs and casting requirements via our agency at no cost, and complete your model bookings.

We offer qualified model coaching for every assignment and job. perfectlife Worldwide Modelmanagement's services are defined by interesting collaborations and partnerships with make-up artists, photographers and stylists.

As a client, you have direct access to our online database, and can book models online.

  • There are no incidental costs for clients and customers.


Apply as a model now