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MODEL WITH perfectlife Worldwide Modelmanagement

Who can become a model?

People always think they're too fat, too thin, too short, too unattractive, too old or whatever else to work as a photo model or promotional face.

Advertising has discovered 'real people', and so is constantly on the lookout for people like you and me.

With quirks, freckles, slight blemishes, older people and models as well as charismatic individuals with a good appearance and appealing demeanour, whatever their age or clothing size.

We place all these people online, with advertising and fashion clients in Austria, Germany, Switzerland and in the whole of Europe. We are of course constantly on the lookout for natural and pretty models for photos for brochures and catalogues and for fashion shows.

We place both male and female models aged between 50 and 80. Of course you see 50, 60 and 70-year-old well-groomed and good-looking people, as well as quite normal-looking people, alongside young models, presenting fashion for any age or clothing size in magazines and fashion and advertising catalogues.

Are you happy with yourself as you are, and do you come across well? Excellent. We are always on the lookout for ordinary people, and models with that certain something.

We present all our photo and advertising models as naturally as possible to customers in the advertising and fashion business.


We present, place and find models for a wide range of assignments.

Catalogue advertising - brochures - magazines - television advertising - fashion books - respectable lingerie - fashion shows - extras and bit-part actors in film and TV productions, as well as TV and cinema adverts.

Have you ever considered being part of the fashion or advertising business? You've come to the right place.
It doesn't matter to us whether you have perfect model measurements, or inner beauty. Whatever your clothing or body size. The main thing is that you are happy with yourself.

We wish you every success with your application, and very much hope we can work together.

Apply as a model now


perfectlife Worldwide Modelmanagement - many benefits

Every day, our clients search for new faces for film & TV productions, catalogues, brochures, fashion magazines, advertising campaigns and other interesting projects. There are no stipulations in terms of age, size, weight, appearance, nationality, etc…., because our clients look for completely different individuals with different profiles depending on the project.

For example, a client may be looking for attractive, young models for some catalogue advertising or a fashion magazine. Conversely, they could want a heavier individual, or a model with piercings and tattoos to take part in a TV production.

Whether you're a professional or a newcomer, model or advertising type, perfectlife Worldwide Modelmanagement model agency will support you in presenting yourself professionally to clients. Our service and our network of contacts across many different sectors provide the best environment for you to be discovered and booked by film producers, TV channels, artists' agencies, casting agencies, editors, marketing agencies, photographers, advertising agencies and other clients worldwide.

Clients use our international model portal as a research tool, and it is designed to help you reach reputable contacts, without your private contact details being visible or published on the internet.

An online profile/booking card and casting appointments with content pre-checked actively support you in using your own initiative to significantly increase your chances of being booked by clients!

You can effectively promote yourself and your online profile to a number of clients who prefer to find the right people for their upcoming projects directly via the internet!

The benefit of an online profile is that you can change and update your own photos on the internet at any time. You can do the same with your personal details. At the same time, your details and pictures are of course protected and encrypted. All details are available exclusively to customers of perfectlife Worldwide Modelmanagement.

In principle, almost anyone with great charisma, self-confidence and a well-groomed and appealing appearance can join the fashion and advertising business!


How much can I earn?

The pay or fee depends on the assignment and the client. Please see below the guidelines for advertising shots (brochures, catalogues and fashion photos) and for film and TV productions and fashion shows.

  • 1st hour Euro 180.00
  • each additional hour Euro 80.00
  • full day (8 hours) Euro 600.00
  • Models for fashion shows (1-4 hours): Euro 400.00

All prices are exclusive of VAT and travel expenses.

If you have any questions, please e-mail at:

Apply as a model now


Search, find, and book online immediately.

perfectlife Worldwide Modelmanagement supports you as a client in quickly and cost-effectively finding the right people for your projects. We offer a wide range of different models, promotional faces and character types for all your various projects. Whether you're an advertising agency or editor looking for the right model, a photographer seeking people for a professional photo shoot, or a TV production company needing particular candidates/extras/actors etc. - we're here to help you in your search!

We see ourselves as a full-service agency, offering both placement and casting services. Whatever your query - just give us a call!

As a client (photographer - advertising agency - film production company, etc...), you can outsource your jobs and casting requirements via our agency at no cost, and complete your model bookings.

We offer qualified model coaching for every assignment and job. perfectlife Worldwide Modelmanagement's services are defined by interesting working relationships and partnerships with make-up artists, photographers and stylists.

As a client, you have direct access to our online database, and can book models online.

There are no incidental costs for clients and customers.